Complete Guide for Crystal Bracelets: Properties and Health Benefits

Crystal bracelets have become a popular accessory in recent years due to their stunning aesthetic appeal and the belief in their metaphysical and healing properties. They come in a variety of styles, designs, and colors, each with its unique energy and benefits. If you're new to the world of crystal bracelets or looking to expand your collection, this complete guide will give you an overview of the properties and health benefits of crystal bracelets.

Before we dive into the different types of crystals and their benefits, it's essential to understand how to choose and wear your crystal bracelet correctly. PlusValue, a renowned brand that offers a vast range of high-quality crystal bracelets, recommends following the below tips to get the most out of your crystal bracelet:

  1. Choose a crystal that resonates with you: There are numerous crystals with different properties and energies. Choose a crystal that aligns with your intentions and resonates with you.

  2. Cleanse and charge your crystal: It's essential to cleanse and charge your crystal bracelet regularly to maintain its energy and vibration. You can do this by placing it in sunlight or moonlight, using a sage smudge stick, or putting it on a crystal cluster.

  3. Wear it on your non-dominant hand: Wearing your crystal bracelet on your non-dominant hand allows you to receive its energy and benefits more efficiently.

Now that we have the basics covered let's dive into the properties and health benefits of some of the most popular crystals used in crystal bracelets.

  1. Amethyst - Amethyst is a purple crystal that promotes tranquility, calmness, and spiritual awareness. It's known to relieve stress and anxiety, aid in meditation, and enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

  1. Rose Quartz - Rose Quartz is a pink crystal that promotes love, compassion, and emotional healing. It's known to attract love and positive relationships, balance emotions, and soothe the heart.

  2. Clear Quartz - Clear Quartz is a versatile crystal that amplifies energy and intention. It's known to promote clarity, focus, and spiritual growth. It's also used to enhance the properties of other crystals.

  3. Black Tourmaline - Black Tourmaline is a protective crystal that repels negative energy and protects against electromagnetic radiation. It's known to ground and balance energy, enhance vitality, and protect against negative influences.

  4. Citrine - Citrine is a yellow crystal that promotes abundance, prosperity, and confidence. It's known to attract success and wealth, boost creativity, and enhance self-esteem.

  5. Lapis Lazuli - Lapis Lazuli is a blue crystal that promotes inner peace, truth, and self-awareness. It's known to enhance communication, creativity, and intuition. It's also used to connect with spiritual guides and promote spiritual growth.

  6. Tiger's Eye - Tiger's Eye is a brown and gold crystal that promotes courage, strength, and willpower. It's known to enhance confidence, decision-making, and manifestation. It's also used to protect against negative energy and promote grounding.

In addition to the above crystals, there are numerous other crystals used in crystal bracelets with their unique benefits and properties. Some popular ones include Jasper, Hematite, Onyx, and Selenite.

It's important to note that crystal bracelets should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment or therapy. However, incorporating them into your daily routine can provide numerous benefits and enhance your overall well-being.

In conclusion, crystal bracelets are a beautiful and powerful accessory that can promote emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. PlusValue offers a vast range of high-quality crystal bracelets that cater to different intentions and energies. Choose a crystal that resonates with you, cleanse and charge it regularly, and wear it on your non-dominant hand to get the most out of its benefits.


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